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Mobile Asset Capture

Mostly built into a custom solution but tied into the Standard Pronto Software serialised tracking system.



The main objective of this project was to take all paper-based activities out of the process of capturing asset attributes in the field.


Previous Manual Solution

Technicians were required to capture attributes for 15 different types of fire prevention equipment in the field. This previously meant 15 different forms, each in their own printed booklet. Once complete, the forms would be sent to the office to have the serial number of the new asset recorded into Pronto software and the form would be filed for later retrieval as required.


New Mobility Solution

Our system provided an attribute maintenance system in Pronto, where attributes could be setup in Pronto and attached to an equipment type. As attributes were now defined in Pronto, our customer no longer relied on cumbersome booklets.

When a technician is capturing a new asset on the device, the required attributes are now sent in digital form from Pronto to the device depending on the asset type being captured.

 The attributes defined in Pronto were given a “type” which in turn controlled the type of data that could be entered against them, greatly reducing errors and improving the quality of data captured. In some cases we also setup a controlled set of values that an attribute could be set to.

All attribute capture (both online and offline) was done on the mobile device, communicated directly into Pronto and linked to the serial number. This removed the need for an administration re-punch and removed the need to file thousands of pieces of paper. (At time of writing, over 45,000 assets have been captured using this system)

Many process efficiencies have been created as a flow on from the mobile asset capture system. Benefits have flowed into the quoting, servicing, materials ordering and preventative maintenance areas by providing critical information in digital form at the click of a button either in Pronto of on the mobile device.