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0418 679 423
Suite 17, 1/488 Botany Road, Beaconsfield, NSW 2015

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Built for both Advanced and Simple Warehouses, The Stocktaking mobility solution has been designed to provide an elegant count entry tool, while utilising browser-based capabilities to help improve counting efficiencies and reduce risk of errors.

The Stocktaking App greatly improves counting efficiencies by eliminating the need for a paper-based process. Errors can also be greatly reduced by making inventory images available during stocktakes, ensuring correct quantities are entered against the current item.

Stocktakes from the Pronto Software are listed on the mobile device to the relevant users with counts can be entered directly onto the mobile device. A full audit is kept of each stock count sent from the App to Pronto, showing where, when, who, quantity and unit of measure for the count.

Users with the correct access level can also run the standard Pronto Count Variance report directly from within the App. A dynamic view of the Variance Report is displayed directly on the mobile device, allowing for immediate visibility of those items where counts have occurred, and variances exist. Our standard sorting and sub-totaling ability provide an un-paralleled level of information to the warehouse floor during stocktaking.