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0418 679 423
Suite 17, 1/488 Botany Road, Beaconsfield, NSW 2015

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Webform Development

Our custom webforms allow for streamlined data entry via web forms, removing the need for paper-based filing and/or re-keying of data into Pronto or cumbersome Excel models.

Webforms can be created to capture information about any aspect of your business and/or Pronto records and stored in Pronto as data, as external files on a nominated server or into PDF documents according to your individual requirements.

A recent webform developed by Sola Mobile was a client Credit Application form. A unique “Credit Application ID number” is automatically generated in Pronto and a hyperlink sent to the prospective customer. The prospective customer completes the form online, entering all the required information. Upon the client clicking Submit & Print so the form can be signed, all information is recorded back into custom tables in Pronto Software and stored against the Unique Credit Application ID number.

When the signed form is received, and the required credit application is carried out successfully then the account creation process in Pronto is a breeze. Accounts staff simply call up the “Credit Application ID number” and click “Create Account”. All addresses, names, Company information, contacts, ABN etc etc are used to create the new customer account in Pronto. Any variable information (territory, credit limit, repcode etc) can be entered into a simple pop up screen as part of the Account creation process.